ECE Guacamole

Guacamole -- A Web Browser Interface to the ECE Linux Machines

Guacamole provides a way of using the Linux machines without having to install any software, you just use your web browser.

What you need to know:

Problems and Bugs:

If you find something not working, please let me know: john.ghra (at) If you don't let me know of problems, I can't fix them!

Known problems and work arounds:

Login Problem
If you are having trouble login into the Guacamole page, it is possible that your password has expired. Passwords are set to expire once a year. The guacamole login does not tell you that your password has expired, it just does not allow you to login!
To fix this, go here and login with your VT PID/password. Then Edit your account to change your password. There is an oddity with the "Edit" account where you must select your (one and only) account from the drop down list.

Connection fails with strange messages.
This seems to happen when several people try to connect at the same time. For now, just try to reconnect, it almost always works the second (or third) time.

Text is a little fuzzy / blurry to read.
Click the <CTRL><SHIFT><ALT> key combination. Scroll all the way to the bottom. Uncheck Automatically fit to browser window.

The initial connection to a machine takes a while.
Just be patient. When you reconnect to a machine, its pretty quick.

There is a copy&paste clipboard between your computer and the remote computer. This does not work for all combinations of (local computer, browser, remote computer).
I will try to post updates about this.

This type of connection is slow and laggy.
Yes. There is probably nothing I can do about that. If you want a more responsive interface, you will probably need to do a native X windows connection.

Pick machine:

Machine NameLoad Average
(lower is better)
Logged In
Compute Machine 01 8.37 ajackson03 albertaod alexanderl atharma behdad behdadjamadi bpittelkau bsrice33 chinsal25 cuehling daviddojcinovski dschraiber dthurmond ece4220 elpsycongroon epritchard gobranh21 guancheng haydencooper jacobtm24 jmlee22 jswalling Jubayer kishore09 kunalk21 liamboyle likhithsaichandk meysam97 nickm20 parush pengcheng326 pfaeghi qfelipe rashelleamao rohanpc rrohit rubel sbraden03 schkris stephanie0319 sun95 tannerc tboris timka3 tsfox617 wxu348 wyattdillon13 yhoward yohanneszena1 youlliana yqwq1996 yugma zzzhaoa
Compute Machine 02
Compute Machine 03 0.37 albertaod alexanderl grichar guancheng jacobramirez07 jmlee22 likhithsaichandk meysam97 nathant03 nathanyalc nolanchu pfaeghi rubel salekin shuvob1 tannerc tejas25 wlee96 yhoward yizhihuang yohanneszena1 youlliana yuezhong zzzhaoa
Compute Machine 04
Compute Machine 05 0.18 alexanderl behdad behdadjamadi guancheng hjiwu18 jmlee22 jtucciarelli lalitprasad meysam97 muntasirm Mylesliu pfaeghi purvbavishi rubel ryanpham757 salekin tranhn youlliana zzzhaoa
Compute Machine 06 1.00 alexanderl asfandyarimtiaz bsrice33 fariborzlp gobranh21 guancheng jling01 jmitch2 jmlee22 jswalling jtucciarelli likhithsaichandk meysam97 Mylesliu pfaeghi racrigler rohanpc rubel salekin sampanna stanhouMICS tapeoutSpring2023 xingye15 yizhihuang youlliana
Compute Machine 07 0.81 alexanderl behdad elpsycongroon guancheng jmlee22 luisdf meysam97 nathant03 niloy pfaeghi prestonpitzer20 rubel siddlewis22 tb02 tranhn yizhihuang zzzhaoa
Compute Machine 08 0.22 alexanderl elpsycongroon ericli520 fariborzlp jacobtm24 jling01 jmlee22 meysam97 miamcconathy pengcheng326 pfaeghi rtest7 samuelabernathy siddlewis22 stanhouMICS tb02 theonorledge vkartik woojun wxm yizhihuang zhenghh zzzhaoa
Compute Machine 09 0.40 alexanderl asfandyarimtiaz daviddojcinovski drewh01 drewryrj29 hjiwu18 hslee92 jmlee22 liamboyle meysam97 murata niil pfaeghi prestonpitzer20 rrohit rubel ryanpham757 samuelabernathy siddlewis22 woojun zzzhaoa
Compute Machine 10 1.12 alexanderl architchavan elpsycongroon himavanth jkh jling01 jmitch2 jmlee22 jtucciarelli meiyuzheng meysam97 miamcconathy Mylesliu nimisha22 pengcheng326 pfaeghi rbrand7 rrohit rubel salekin samuelabernathy schkris woojun yizhihuang
Compute Machine 11 31.77 alexanderl architchavan aschinel behdad behdadjamadi cuehling jhouseman jmlee22 jswalling pfaeghi pixelatedRF rrohit tapeoutSpring2023 theonorledge wesleyf woojun
Compute Machine 12 1.99 alexanderl behdadjamadi cyang826 ecdanson everettmiceli guancheng hadam259 jkh jling01 jmitch2 jmlee22 manavbs28 murata pfaeghi pixelatedRF pvcostes rubel stephanie0319 wlee96 woojun yukta2891
Compute Machine 13 0.30 alexanderl AP22 behdadjamadi ctyler67 djones01 ecdanson jmlee22 muntasirm nis nolanchu pfaeghi rstewart02 timka3 vkartik wlee96 woojun
Compute Machine 14 1.15 alexanderl behdad behdadjamadi elpsycongroon everettmiceli fabiha27 jmlee22 karthikms91 nathant03 pfaeghi pixelatedRF rrohit rubel salekin sgandhi25 Shashankreddy vikmuru wesleyf woojun yhoward
Compute Machine 15 0.16 alexanderl behdadjamadi bsrice33 cmdrmo dthurmond elilevi630 goker jkh jmlee22 kunalk21 nis pfaeghi robertv21 rohanpc rubel wesleyf wlee96 woojun zhenghh zzzhaoa
Large Memory Machine 68.43 alexanderl behdad behdadjamadi bsrice33 ece4220 elilevi630 elpsycongroon epritchard gobranh21 guancheng jhouseman jling01 jmlee22 karthikms91 kishore09 muntasirm nathanyalc pfaeghi pixelatedRF rbrand7 rutwikj salekin tb02 wlee96 woojun woojunlee zzzhaoa
MPI Head Node (48 node cluster) 3274.31 anushya2 ECE haoxiangliew heesang jkgarciam jkh lalitprasad mmeghasyam nada21 nolanchu parikh pfaeghi pixelatedRF smail vikaskrishnan

Great! Let's get going!